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ISDN monitor, trace of d-channel
CapiDog (260 K, freeware) displays the status of both ISDN channels in the taskbar and can even trace d-channel activities on the bus. You even see connections of other devices on your ISDN line.
You see the connections in the system tray symbol. Expensive connections like 0900 are signalled by a popup- A log file is created for incoming and outgoing connections. The system clock can be adjusted based on the ISDN time.
Please unpack CDogEngl.ZIP into an empty folder and read CDogEngl.HTM Please do not install below C:\Program Files – see the manual for reasons. An AVM, Gerdes or Scitel ISDN adapter is required.

Analyse your ISDN device (CAPI 2.0)
Useful utilitiy to show the capabilities of your ISDN device, version number, manufacturer and channels.
You may see whether required options are available for sending faxes with CapiFax like “T.30 with extensions”
You can directly start the utility by opening the ZIP file. – Version 11.03.13.
E-Mail server for network and mobile usage
NetMail is an email system for network workstations, consisting of a mail/SMS gateway and a Windows client. Alternatively conventional POP3/SMTP clients or a webmail interface can be used. The software can also be combined with CapiFax and CapiCall to form a Unified Messaging System (UMS).
In a local-area network, NetMail provides groupware functions like email, SMS, diary, pinboard and instant messaging. You can read and write your emails on any workstation using the NetMail client software for Windows, and emails can be stored and searched in shared and private archives for later access. While you are out and about, you still have access to the emails arriving at your office. Use your smartphone to read and write emails using POP3/SMTP or a web browser. Or use the mobile NetMail client to dial your server via ISDN or TCP/IP: With its compressed protocol, transfer volume is minimized.
Terminal emulation for Telnet, Modem, ISDN
ShamCom is a terminal program for Telnet (TCP/IP), ISDN (CAPI 2.0) and modems (RS232). It implements scripts for automation, file transfers with Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, and all common terminal emulations like TTY, VT52, VT100, ANSI.
Unpack to a temporary folder and launch SETUP. You can delete the temporary directory later. Version 4.05 vom 06.03.12.
Watchdog program
AppDog is able to watch other applications running on the same PC (e.g. a voicemail, fax or e-mail server) and ensures that they are working properly – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Non-responding applications are killed and restarted automatically. Programs like answering machine CapiCall, fax server CapiFax or the mail system NetMail, supporting special interfaces of AppDog, can directly signal the wellbeing of the system Even alarm calls with CapiCall are possible.
External alarm hardware is supported. Appdog supports you in running high avalaible systems. – Version 1.56 vom 07.03.19